
Trees & Native Habitats

Tree Tenders

Program Overview

Plant and care for trees throughout our community.

Remember Dr. Seuss’s Lorax? The one who speaks for the trees?

Did you know we have a group of Loraxes (or is it Loraxi?) in Indianapolis? Our KIB Tree Tenders have the same amount of love for trees and passion for planting. In addition to putting in a good word for Indy’s urban forest, Tree Tenders are out hauling trees around, swinging mattocks, wielding saws, and digging in the dirt.

KIB Tree Tenders serve as advocates for the urban forest and provide knowledgeable, committed volunteer support for the KIB Community Forestry team at planting projects, at workshops, on pruning days, and more.

Program Details

Tree Tenders are committed to planting and caring for trees in our community. They help the KIB Community Forestry team with projects across the city in many ways, including leading small groups of volunteers. They are an extension of the KIB family, and their support is vital to the success of our plantings and our mission.

Why should you join?

You’ll learn a ton about arboriculture (growing, caring for, and studying trees) from our certified arborists.
You’ll have a personal investment in KIB’s efforts to plant 100,000 trees in Indianapolis!
Great perks await those who volunteer their service. More on that below!
All the like-minded people you could meet!

Did you say perks?

The more you tend, the more fun (and useful) perks we have for you:

  • 101 Trees of Indiana by Marion T. Jackson
  • KIB logo gear
  • Deluxe soil knife
  • Hand pruners
  • A surprise or two
  • A badge with your awesome volunteer title: KIB Tree Tender
  • Seasonal program social gatherings, such as pitch-ins, nature hikes, advanced training workshops, happy hours, and awards celebrations

Upcoming Tree Tender training events are being scheduled now.

Tree tender training is comprised of both “classroom” sessions and “in the field” sessions.

Sign up and learn more by emailing Edith Conchas, Volunteer Coordinator, at

Classroom Session: Wednesday September 13th

In-field Training: Wednesday September 20th


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Meet the team behind the trees.